

  • How do I get started?

Please email or call and introduce yourself - we are eager to meet you.  We will ask you a few questions about the nature of your business and the types of services you desire.  Next, we will run a background check to verify there are no conflicts of interest with our existing clients.  If all is clear, we will set up a short, no obligation interview to explore opportunities to work together.  We believe in developing long term relationships with our clients and are prepared to take the time necessary to build a solid foundation so we can both be successful. 

  • What is a Registered Patent Agent?

In the United States, a registered patent agent is a person who is a member of the bar of the United States Patent and Trademark office and is authorized to represent others in the preparation and prosecution of patent applications. 

A registered patent agent is not authorized to represent or provide counsel to others in matters related to state or federal courts.  For these services, it is necessary to secure the services of a patent attorney.




Copyright 2011 by Ensemble Solutions, LLC